3D Printing Website Design Case Study – Dam Factory

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The world is talking about 3D printing today. Dam Factory, on the other hand, established itself as a 3D printing leader in 2017. The 3D printing industry was relatively new to the Indian market then. With few industries understanding the benefits and use of 3D printing and even less knowledge about the technology itself, Dam Factory began educating market leaders about 3D printing, its benefits, and how industries could use it to their advantage.

Dam Factory helped educate people about 3D printing in various industries, including jewellery, dental, engineering, automotive & manufacturing, and medical sectors. With consultancy programs and assistance for startups, Dam Factory established itself as a pioneer in 3D printing in Vadodara, where the concept of 3D printing was entirely new and unheard of.

The Challenge

Dam Factory was a company with a very innovative product that was new to the market. Awareness of 3D printing, its uses, and benefits were not known to anyone. The market was fresh, and the possibilities were endless, but the challenges were significant. Customers had to be educated about 3D printing. There was no possibility of anyone purchasing a product they did not know existed. Dam Factory’s first challenge was to create a market for their product. This required every possible medium, including online platforms. Dam Factory realised that people searching for 3D printing usually searched for them online. Since no local businesses had 3D printing provisions, the only way to reach prospective customers was through a website.

Dam Factory required a website urgently for the following purposes:

  1. To educate customers about 3D printing, its benefits, and how it could help various industries.
  2. To provide a list of services related to 3D printing and how they could benefit potential clients.
  3. To offer a list of products to interested customers.
  4. To provide services to startups interested in selling 3D-printed products.

The Solution – Megh Technologies, Custom Website Development

Megh Technologies proposed creating a custom Business website design with features including:

  1. A dedicated area for startups interested in 3D printing. This area would list opportunities and case studies for 3D printing businesses. This section would be solely dedicated to businesses, not direct customers who wanted to purchase the product.
  2. The website would focus on educating customers about 3D printing, with minimal emphasis on sales. The aim was to raise awareness about the technology before pitching the product.
  3. The website would focus on a few industries based on research. The research indicated a good chance in medical, jewellery, engineering, and automobile industries. Dam Factory intended to create a presence in these industries first based on the research.

The website would be created using HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap as the frontend framework. The focus would be on presentation with minimal animation. Fonts would be clear and readable. We chose Roboto and Sans Serif as the primary fonts for headings and content, respectively. The colours would be shades of blue and green, aligned with the colour of the logo. Branding was important to establish the company’s presence in the market as a leader in 3D printing technology.

Wireframing and Prototype

Megh Technologies created a complete site structure with wireframes for each page. The wireframes detailed where the images would be placed and the content structure. The next step was to create a working prototype. The prototype was done using Figma. The prototype was presented to the client and, upon approval, Megh Technologies began coding the entire website using HTML5 and CSS3. Bootstrap was used to create most of the website and animations in particular.

The Result

The website was completed in 20 days and was hosted on an Azure web server. The domain name registration was done in the name of Dam Factory by Megh Technologies. The result was appreciated by Dam Factory stakeholders. Being a new website, there was a need to market it initially before it could gain traction. The number of searches locally increased over the course of 3 months.

Though Dam Factory was not able to make sales due to scepticism in the market about 3D printing, they had established themselves as a 3D printing company and the first in Vadodara, Gujarat. Unfortunately, Dam Factory was ahead of its time for the market.

Notes: Dam Factory’s website is currently not functional.

Features of Dam Factory’s Website:

  1. Custom website design in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript with Bootstrap framework.
  2. Unique UI / UX Design and Development
  3. Parallax slideshow for the home screen.
  4. Simple, easy navigation.
  5. Responsive website design, mobile-friendly and adaptive.
  6. Technical SEO optimized.
  7. Fast loading, optimized images, and dynamic sitemap.
  8. Custom contact form and an enquiry form for the startup section.
  9. A detailed knowledge base section with a search facility.