Agribusiness Website design & Development Case Study – Bajrang International Group – BIG

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Bajrang International Group deals with agro commodities, construction, and general supplies and packaging. Their core products range from food products branded under names such as SFPL, Soy King, Phala King, Africa King, Paramount Gold, and Gold Salt, among other brands. In the construction and general supplies field, Bajrang Gold assists with fabrication and welding units, as well as precast units. In the packaging field, Bajrang International Group helps in packaging fertilizers like urea, NPK, and more. The company has an established base in the African continent with a major presence in Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Zambia. With headquarters in the UAE, the company also has a strong presence in India and China.

Bajrang International Group boasts 18 well-known and established African brands and has helped over 200,000 smallholders with 13 factories and processing plants, creating jobs for nearly 2,000 people. With another 112 satellite centers and warehouses spread across various countries, BIG is a well-established manufacturer that has helped reduce 50 million bags of food loss to date.

The Business and the Need for a Website

Bajrang International Group is well-known in the African region and has major operations in Africa, though it is headquartered in the UAE. With operations in China, Mozambique, India, and the UAE, apart from Zambia and Tanzania, the company has a strong local presence but lacks an online presence. Establishing a global presence requires a website. As a growing company, especially one dealing with the export of products, it was important for BIG to present itself online and create a place in the market. Marketing online starts with creating a website, and BIG needed a website that could present itself globally as a leader in the industry.

Megh Technologies and How We Helped BIG Establish a New Website and Online Presence

Megh Technologies first met with BIG stakeholders in their Dubai office and had a lengthy conversation about their business, locations, operations, and marketing methods. It was important for Megh Technologies to understand the company before creating the website. Understanding the company’s motto, mission, and performance was crucial for creating a website that accurately represented the company. The interview lasted more than an hour, and BIG understood how we operated as much as we understood the workings of BIG as a company. BIG was pleased with our conversation and decided to proceed with a website design project with Megh Technologies. An appointment was fixed to meet the team of professionals behind the scenes at BIG to gain a clear understanding of the company at a later date, and an IT professional was introduced to provide information and act as a point of contact moving forward.

The appointment with the team was primarily for understanding all the main pages and the structure of the website. This could only be decided based on the information provided by the marketing team, their problems, and how we could solve them through the website. Once the meeting concluded, Megh Technologies created a site structure with all the pages listed and their content. We proposed a full business website for the company to showcase its achievements and products.

The site structure was presented to the IT team, who forwarded it to the directors. The team responded within a day with approval, allowing Megh Technologies to move to the second phase: UI/UX design and development. The BIG website was created with a global audience in mind, though its major consumers were from the African region. The colors and fonts were chosen to match the preferences of the region, while the overall website was structured to be simple and modular. The webpages were responsive, mobile-friendly, and designed to load in less than 3 seconds. This was important for us and for BIG to ensure the website was accessible on all devices. The UI/UX was developed in Figma, and a prototype was created to make it look functional. The prototype was presented to the stakeholders, who requested a few minor changes in font size and logo size. Overall, the website was pleasing and approved.

The Coding and Conversion to HTML

Megh Technologies decided to create a web application for the BIG website, understanding that the website had significant growth potential over time. The app was to include a content management system where users in the IT team could manage website content, add new pages, and modify existing content as needed, without contacting Megh Technologies. The web development team at Megh Technologies started with frontend development based on the Figma design and, once completed, integrated it with the backend to create a fully functional content management system. The website was tested locally on Megh Technologies’ server, and the link was provided to BIG’s IT team for testing. Once the test was satisfactory, the website was deployed on an Azure web server managed by Megh Technologies.

The Results – Web Development and Design with Content Management System

BIG was pleased with the design but was particularly impressed with the content management system, which exceeded their expectations. Megh Technologies is known for over-delivering to keep customers happy, and we succeeded in creating a satisfied customer. BIG was impressed with the overall website, its functionality, and design. The company has increased its links, followers, and leads over the past year with the new design.