AMANTRA Custom Web Application Development – Case Study

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Amantra Facility Management is located in Garhoud, Dubai, UAE. The company deals in a range of facility management services, including Air Conditioning, General Cleaning Services, Handyman Services, AC Duct Cleaning, Marble Polishing, CCTV Installation, Plumbing, Electrical Works, Pest Control, Water Tank Cleaning, and more. These services are available for commercial, industrial, and residential requirements. Established in 2020, the website was created in 2021 to help provide services in Dubai.

A relatively new company, Amantra has expanded its services rapidly and gained the trust of people over a short period. The disinfection services by Amantra during the COVID period helped industries keep their workspace free from COVID, with the help of Amantra. Amantra provided services tirelessly during the COVID period to help industries function without fear while providing additional cleaning services simultaneously.

Amantra’s Need for a New Website

Being a new company, people were not aware of the company. There was a clear requirement for facility management services in Dubai. Amantra was ready with its manpower and workforce to fill this gap with trained professionals. The only problem was that Amantra was not yet known to companies and industries in Dubai. A marketing campaign during the COVID period was hard to assess in terms of effectiveness. With lockdowns, the chances of people seeing billboards and banners were reduced to none. Taking a big chance with offline advertising without results and considering a big budget during the startup phase and failing at it was not an option Amantra was ready to consider. The other option Amantra could consider was to go online with a website. Being accessible online was a sensible option and a requirement. Amantra decided to create a simple website for their services to showcase the company.

Megh Technologies: The Interview

Megh Technologies was present locally in Dubai. With a head office in Baroda, Gujarat, Megh Technologies had expanded to the Middle East very recently. With a few reputed clients already partnered with Megh Technologies, the company was beginning to be noticed in the Dubai market. Amantra contacted Megh Technologies, and a meeting was scheduled to assess how Megh Technologies could help Amantra reach its business goals.

The initial meeting was to understand the capacity of both companies and to assess business goals. Megh Technologies put forward a set of possibilities on how the company could improve its marketing strategy online with a simple website, take it forward with a custom web application, provide online booking services, and even take it a step further with a custom mobile application. Amantra was excited to hear about the possibilities but wanted to take it one step at a time. Megh Technologies was commissioned to create a website that could be scaled further without disruption when required in the future.

Requirement, Research, and Analysis

Megh Technologies conducted a complete survey of the market, industries, and competition for Amantra. The focus was on how we could showcase the company and its services. After analyzing the requirements and competition, we concluded that a custom website alone would not be sufficient as the audience clearly required a more detailed service from companies offering facility management. An option to register services online would be a great addition to the website. A normal contact form or a phone number to call was already provided by most competitors. To excel and stand out from the crowd, it was important to provide a more seamless interface for the audience to register for services provided by Amantra.

Other requirements included:

  1. A Responsive Website: Most users were accessing the web from a mobile device. This required that the website be mobile-friendly and accessible on all devices. The website should also load fast on slow networks and be optimized for mobile phones accordingly.
  2. Ability to Accept Payments Online: Accepting payments in advance was important for Amantra to ensure that only serious customers enrolled. For large industries, the option to call or email was provided as these services required further discussions, especially for long-term contractual services.
  3. Online Registration for Services: Registering for services online ensured the audience provided their phone numbers and email addresses, which could be used to collect feedback and follow up on services. This was important to keep customers regularly updated about the services.
  4. Tracking of Services Provided: The company also required that the services provided were tracked regularly. To ensure quality checks and identify any lapses in services, this section was required.

The Solution – Custom Business Website Design with Custom Web Application Development

Megh Technologies proposed to create a custom Business website for Amantra but recommended a custom web application to enhance its services to their audience. Amantra was impressed with the data we provided and the research we had done and approved the idea to create the web application from the beginning. Megh Technologies created a roadmap for the web application and the process. The website would be created in PHP with MySQL as the backend. Features were to include:

  1. A backend admin area to access, add, and modify services at will.
  2. A homepage to list all services, adding them to a custom cart after receiving details from the visitor.
  3. Payment gateway integration once the visitor decides to check out with the services requested.
  4. Automated email notifications once the order and payments are received.
  5. Custom website design, listing all the services provided by Amantra.
  6. A free quote form to inquire about services for long-term or large industries.

The Process – Custom Website Design

Megh Technologies started with the website structure. A clear site structure was created with all the pages involved and the actions they were to take. The second stage was to create a wireframe for each of the pages. The wireframe was created on Figma. All information and media were acquired at this stage. Once the wireframe was created, the data was discussed in detail for corrections or changes with the stakeholders. Upon approval, Megh Technologies created a prototype in Figma. The working prototype was an exact replica of the website in Figma. The prototype was presented to Amantra. The design was well received and met Amantra’s expectations. A few minor changes were required and made immediately. Once the prototype was ready, Megh Technologies moved on to the next phase of coding the website.

Coding to Web Platforms

Since the website was to be scaled over time, it was important that all the pages of the website be dynamic. A PHP-based website with MySQL was our first choice. The use of JavaScript with Bootstrap provided the required user experience tools. The website was coded exactly as presented in the prototype with all the features. With the visual part (user interface) completed, Megh Technologies started with the backend development. We decided on the fields, tables, and database settings. The database was created and checked for optimum performance.

The final stage was to integrate the backend with the frontend. PHP and MySQL work seamlessly together. The integration of the payment gateway was implemented with APIs from the payment gateway.

Testing and QA

The website, with its UI ready, was put to test on a local server. Tests included detailed checks of all forms, process checks for payment gateways and carts, and stress tests on the website. The database was also checked for performance. The entire website was checked for performance on mobile phones, bug tests on all devices, and UI tests on multiple screen sizes. When satisfied that the website was functional and met expectations, a second test was scheduled with Amantra staff and stakeholders. The day-long test was done with training simultaneously on the usage of the admin area. The website was tested on the client side for usability, user experience, and all features of the admin area were explained. Security features were put in place, and SSL was also set up.

When all the required steps were checked and found satisfactory, the website was uploaded to a live server and hosted on a Megh Technologies Azure server.

The Results – Satisfied Client, Thrilled Audience

Being one of the few companies to provide an online service for facility management, Amantra was thrilled about the possibilities. The audience, on the other hand, was pleased that they could order services online just like they could purchase food and groceries. Making life easier for the audience was clearly a win-win situation for Amantra and their clients. Enquiries and orders have poured in since the inception of Amantra Services.

Website :
Business Name : Amantra
Business Industry : Cleaning and Technical Services.
Services Provided : Business Website design, Custom Web Application, Mobile Application Development, Android App Development, IOS App Development
Established on : 2020
Location : Amantra Cleaning and Technical Services LLC Office 206V, Red Avenue
Building, Garhoud,
PO Box 183629 UAE.