Brilliant Universal – Business Service Company in Dubai – Website Case Study

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Starting a Business in Dubai

Starting a business in Dubai as an outsider or non-citizen will require expert advice, legal counsel, and an understanding of how businesses run in Dubai. Brilliant Universal helps with company incorporation, secretarial services, business advisory, local partnership assistance, property management, and accounting services for overseas companies interested in investing in Dubai. With Brilliant Universal, starting a business in Dubai is easier, faster, and hassle-free.

Brilliant Universal was established in 2022, and the website was designed in 2023. The website was a showcase for the services the company would provide for investors and entrepreneurs abroad interested in starting their business in Dubai.

Megh Technologies and Brilliant Universal

Megh Technologies met with the stakeholders of Brilliant Universal in Dubai based on an inquiry for web design services. Our initial interview was casual, and we understood each other’s businesses and operations. Megh Technologies identified where Brilliant Universal had problems and what their core strengths were. We found Brilliant Universal extremely professional yet easy to work with. The services were to the point, and there was a clear understanding of the deliverables.

When it came to Megh Technologies, they wanted to know what could be expected as a result of a website. Brilliant Universal was more interested in the outcome of the services rather than the technical issues of building the website. They understood that technical details were not their core strength when it came to website design and development and wanted someone well-versed in the field to handle the issue.

The Website, Decision Making, and Core Building of the Website

Brilliant Universal required a business website with a custom design that was affordable. The website was to be technically advanced, mobile-friendly, responsive, SEO-compatible, and designed for small businesses as an audience but equally targeting corporates. The design had to be professional, clean, and focused on content. The most important part of the website would be the ability for users to comprehend content easily.

Megh Technologies advised that Brilliant Universal choose a simple website design, custom-designed for its business. There was no need for a Content Management System (CMS) during the initial stages. The company was not very sure of its requirement for a blog and had asked Megh Technologies to create a design that could be integrated with the blog in the future.

The Design – Brilliant Universal Website Design and Development

Megh Technologies decided on three variations of colors, fonts, and patterns for the company to choose from. Decision-making in terms of colors and fonts usually takes the most time, especially when it involves more than one decision-maker. With Brilliant Universal, the choice of fonts was immediate, and they clearly identified the choice of fonts. However, with the colors, they picked a shade of blue and wanted a more pastel shade as opposed to a brighter one. Megh Technologies adjusted the colors to match the client’s requirements.

The UI/UX Design and Development

The website was manually crafted from the beginning. The logos were recreated in SVG format, and icons were created from scratch for each of the pages. There are 20+ custom-created icons used on the website. The design of the website was clean and simple, with a focus on content. The website is responsive, with a mobile-first approach. A clean user interface was important for a better user experience, and this also ensured enough white spaces between elements. The UI/UX was designed, and each element was sent for approval before integration.

Coding and Development – Website Final Phase

Once the design elements were put in place, the content was created, and a wireframe for each page was created. The content with the wireframe made it easy for the client to visualize how the content would be displayed on the screen. Once the wireframe was completed, the website was coded in .NET with options to integrate a Content Management System and a blog in the future if and when required.

What We Learned from the Brilliant Universal Website

A growing website requires a design that can grow with the business. It is important to allow the website to grow in terms of technology and scope. Creating a scalable website that allows growth is important for some companies. Companies that intend to start small but scale as they grow should be provided with options when it comes to website design and development too.