Engineering Products Website Design – Acme Enginering , Case Study

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Acme Electronics, Vadodara is a winding machine manufacturing company with a presence in 50 countries and offices in India and the USA. Acme Electronics products are exported to more than 50 countries, including Canada, the USA, Mexico, South Africa, Uganda, Egypt, Norway, Germany, England, and Australia, among others. A trusted company with clients like Amtran Magnetics, Automech, Arihant Industries, and the Australian Government’s Department of Defence, Acme Engineering’s presence is seen across various sectors worldwide.

Located in Makarpura, Vadodara, India, Acme Electronics is led by Alpesh Patel, an engineer and innovative thinker. Alpesh Patel has enabled the company to scale from a local company to a global leader in the manufacturing of winding machines and successfully market it globally.

Limitations: An Old Website with Outdated Technology

Acme Electronics was established, well-presented, and had a brand presence across all sectors but was failing on multiple fronts regarding its online presence. To begin with, their focus on the company, its production, and physical marketing was extensive, and they left no stone unturned. Unfortunately, on the digital side, they had a poorly designed website that was outdated in terms of design and technology. The website was not accessible on mobile phones and smaller devices. On a desktop, the website did load fast, but the design was outdated and clearly showed a lack of interest in its online presence. This was giving a bad signal to its clients about the seriousness of the company, even with thousands of clientele.

Mr. Alpesh Patel reached out to Megh Technologies for advice on how to improve its overall digital presence and improve the performance of their workflow in general. Acme Electronics wanted to know how we at Megh Technologies could help present Acme Electronics as a leading manufacturer of winding machines globally and present the company in a good light. The focus was to present the company and its products while also creating a brand identity.

Problem Identification

Acme Electronic’s problem was not just an outdated website. The problem extended to a lack of branding and visibility online. Apart from a poor user experience and lack of an easily accessible interface across all devices, the company lacked brand identity. It was important to showcase not just the products but the company, Acme Electronics, as a leading manufacturer of winding machines, which the website failed to do. The extensive focus on the product left the company behind the products. Megh Technologies’ first task was to create a brand identity for Acme Engineering as a company while promoting the products simultaneously. This required more focus on the company and the people behind it.

Our Solution: New Website, Responsive Design, and Branding

Our solution to the problem was to create a new website using the latest technology to showcase Acme Electronics as the leader. We had to restructure the content to establish Acme Electronics as the leader in the industry while promoting the products simultaneously. The products sold by Acme Electronics were not sold online. An e-commerce solution was not required as many of the products were customized for the requirements of the client. The website had to be responsive and mobile-friendly, accessible across all devices. With this in mind, Megh Technologies created a wireframe and a website structure.

Wireframing & Site Structure Creation

The homepage was to have a balanced content of the products and the company. The company had to be represented as a global player and an expert in winding machine manufacturing. The homepage was suggested to have a map with all the countries Acme Electronics serves, a list of best-selling products, and the industries they serve. We also portrayed some of the best clients on the homepage to establish trust among the audience.

The site structure focused equally on showcasing the products while simultaneously establishing the company as a global leader, with a prominent “About Us” section and a section for the clients and areas Acme Electronics serves. The client list, which was a testimonial by itself on the quality of services and products of Acme Electronics , was very important to help recognize Acme Electronics as a global player.

Once the wireframing was complete, we met with Alpesh Patel, the CEO, to discuss the website and note down any further changes. On approval, we started with the prototype of the website.

Prototype: A Functional Website with Real Data

We proceeded with the collection of information, including client logos and content for the website. We created additional pages where required and developed a fully functional website to reflect the company in a good light.

Technology Used

The Acme Electronics website did not require any content management system. The requirement for changing content was the responsibility of Megh Technologies when required. This waived off the need to use any backend technologies and databases. The website was to use simple HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript for accessibility. The website was created to be responsive with a mobile-first approach.

Bootstrap was the preferred framework for the website creation. The use of the inbuilt libraries of Bootstrap was sufficient and provided the precise solutions required for creating the website for Acme Electronics . The website featured subtle animations, a simple slideshow on the homepage displaying products, and a contact page with Google Maps for location. With Bootstrap, it was possible to create a mobile-first design with CSS targeted for a responsive design.

Colors and Fonts

The website used branded colors of brown and yellow with a white background color. This was reflected consistently throughout the website. The menu placement, sidebars, and content were consistent across all pages. The font combination of Montserrat for the headings and Lato for the content was the preferred choice. The headings were a combination of yellow and black, while the content was Davy’s Gray, a lighter shade of black but darker than grey. The color enabled easy visibility and did not contrast harshly with the white background, making it comfortable to read.

UI/UX Design and Development

The user interface and user experience focused on easily accessible content, clearly visible menu items, and buttons and pictures that would load quickly. The website was fast-loading. Key areas like the titles of each page were designed to draw attention to the content. The scroll-to-top button was fixed on the bottom right for easy access to the menu and content at the top. The menu itself was not floated as it would restrict space on smaller screens, but there was always an option to move to the top at any point in time.


The results were welcomed by the CEO, Alpesh Patel. He also wanted to ensure there was a similar positive response from the clients. Over the next few days, Alpesh Patel received a few comments from existing clients about the website, and overall, they appreciated the design and ease of use of the website. In terms of traffic, Acme Electronics saw a significant 300% increase, with mobile traffic being the biggest contributor. With a mobile-first design, the difference in traffic from smaller devices outperformed the traffic from desktops. This was the biggest win for Acme Electronics.

Why Choose Megh Technologies

With Megh Technologies by your side, we will find solutions to improve your digital presence in every way possible. We help you build a great user interface, excellent websites, and an overall digital presence that markets your organization and makes your workflow easier. We are not restricted to website design but delve into website development, e-commerce applications, mobile app development, workflow solutions, and overall digital transformation projects. With wide exposure and experience, we can help you transform your organization and digital presence to increase productivity and profit.