Explora Academy Baroda – Website Redesign Case study

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Explora was founded in 2009 by architects Manoj Patel and Parth Chitte to help architectural students secure admissions to the right institutes, and to monitor and mentor students throughout their education. Explora has grown to be one of the largest and most successful NATA coaching centers in India, placing students in top architecture schools in Gujarat.

Explora was already well-established as a business when they approached Megh Technologies in 2022. With 13 years of coaching students and establishing themselves as a top coach in architecture and interior design, Explora required a complete revamp of its website. The existing website was good but lacked various features, including being non-responsive. Though the website had a great presentation on a desktop or laptop, the mobile experience was poor. The images were slow to load, and when they did, they exceeded screen sizes on various pages. The homepage had multiple images that were too cramped and not visible due to their small size.

Explora needed a website that was responsive and technologically on par with current website design trends but wanted minimal changes to its design. The complete website redesign was for the purpose of making the website responsive with very few visual changes.

Explora approached Megh Technologies for its website redesign because we had worked with Architect Manoj Patel previously, and he was extremely pleased with the results. The objective of the website redesign was to ensure the Explora website was responsive.

Our Suggestion Megh Technologies found the website visually appealing and agreed with Mr. Manoj Patel’s view that the website needed to be responsive and technologically up-to-date with today’s trends. We also suggested that the website be slightly more colorful than its current grayscale design, as it would appeal to both students and parents. According to our target audience research, architectural students preferred slightly brighter colors than dark shades.

We also agreed that the website would feature pictures of the students who were successfully placed in colleges after being trained by Explora.

With minimal changes in the design, content, or structure of the website, Megh Technologies took on the project to convert the existing website and make it responsive in its current state.

Technologies Used The website required a responsive design, and the only change needed was to update the CSS to make it adaptive and mobile-friendly. The entire CSS was custom-coded to ensure fast loading and responsiveness. No external tools were used to make the website responsive.

Other Changes Made The website’s color combination was updated to add more vibrancy to the pages, and animation was added to the homepage to display more students within limited space, along with details about them.

The Results With the website changes made, and the site now being responsive and mobile-friendly, there was a significant increase in mobile traffic—an increase of 300%. Currently, traffic from mobile devices outperforms traffic from desktops by 200%.

What We Can Learn from the Explora Website Design Changes A responsive website can significantly boost your traffic. Most users browse websites from mobile phones. By optimizing your website for mobile devices, you increase your visibility to more users on smaller devices, leading to a higher reach that can be easily converted into paying customers.