Eyewear Manufacturer website Case study – CEGPL Creative Eyeglass Pvt. Ltd

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CEGPL, Creative EyeGlass Pvt. Ltd. is an eyewear manufacturer in Baroda, Gujarat. The company creates high-quality eyewear for kids, men, and women. They manufacture affordable sunglasses and prescription eyewear. The company produces frames and glasses, aiming to solve challenges in eyewear manufacturing in India.

CEGPL is managed by four directors: Yahyaali Jariwala (B.E. in E.C. engineering with expertise in automation and CNC machines, and international trade), Shabbir Jariwala (Bachelor in Business Administration with HR and sales experience), Shehzad Jariwala (Bachelor in Commerce with 4 years of work experience), and Ali Asgar Jariwala (Bachelor in Computer Administration with 6 months of experience).

Located at C-29, Road-4, Sardar Industrial Estate, Ajwa Road, Baroda-390019, Gujarat, India, the company is relatively new but ambitious, with plans to scale its business internationally.

The Problem: Being a relatively new company in a market saturated with big brands and players, CEGPL had to make its presence known through a unique approach. Their USP was creating quality eyewear at an affordable price. However, the lack of branding limited their visibility among major competitors like Ray-Ban, Lenskart, Fastrack, Prada, Titan, and others. To capture the market, where big players were already established, it was crucial to build a brand identity. Additionally, as a manufacturer, CEGPL needed a unique approach to attract vendors and brands to source products from them. White-labeling was also a significant consideration for the company.

The lack of a website severely restricted CEGPL’s presence. A website was essential not only to make the company visible but also to present itself as a reliable manufacturer of quality eyewear. The first task of creating branding and identity as a top manufacturer could be achieved through a website. An audience is more likely to trust a website that provides detailed information about services and products. However, CEGPL was not ready to create an e-commerce website yet due to various internal factors in the manufacturing process.

The Challenge: As a web design and development company, Megh Technologies faced two major challenges. First, CEGPL was a new company in a saturated market. Market penetration would require more than just a website, as CEGPL’s website alone could only address part of the issue. Establishing CEGPL as a brand would require maximizing advertising and marketing potential. However, with a limited marketing budget, typical for a startup, the company faced restrictions in its overall marketing efforts.

While the website would present the company in a positive light and help build branding and identity, without marketing, the website would not reach its full potential. Since the company was not focusing on online sales, the website itself would not directly generate profit. Instead, the website would serve as a brochure for the products manufactured.

Given these challenges, Megh Technologies provided a simple solution that would partially address the problem. They suggested that CEGPL create a static website displaying all their products with a search functionality. This approach would reduce the cost of building the website while providing a web presence to test the market. Over time, CEGPL could assess the market and decide whether to create an online store or pursue a different direction.

The Process: Megh Technologies developed a site structure and wireframe for each page using Figma and Adobe XD. The next step was to create a UI/UX design for the CEGPL website based on the wireframe. Megh Technologies designed a custom website with a unique user interface. The responsive web design focused on branding and identity. The mobile-friendly website was cross-browser compatible and optimized for fast loading times. Social media integration on the website was also crucial to boosting visibility on various platforms.

Once the prototype was completed, the website was presented to stakeholders at CEGPL. After approval, the website was coded using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. The Bootstrap framework was used to create subtle microanimations on the website.

The Result: CEGPL received a fully functional website that was easy to navigate for both search engines and users. The key feature of the website was the product pages, which allowed users to search for products based on eyewear shape and type. Contact forms were created for inquiries on each product. The website uses simple technologies, making it fast, responsive, and easy to load.