Finance Website Case study- Construction Fund Control

Posted by is a business website for Construction Fund Control. The business deals with risk-free fund release for construction. They partner with banks, construction companies, private lenders, and contractors to create a seamless fund release system that is risk-free for the construction company and the banks or lenders. The service is unique and well-accepted in the construction industry. For banks and lenders, the service provides a risk-free payment system, eliminating the need to deal with construction companies frequently or provide full funding and risk losses at a later point in time.

Located in Newton, Massachusetts, the company has seen significant growth in service demand, with construction in Newton growing at 8% per year. With an eye on expansion, Construction Fund Control required an online presence to help scale their business and raise awareness in the industry. With a small list of audiences, the website catered to a niche. It was important to provide the right information while restricting some details to ensure that the audience contacted the company. This would ensure that the company has a lead, which could be further converted personally with a visit.

With Construction Fund Control, it was a business that required a personal follow-up. Unlike most companies that provide a service or product online, Construction Fund Control wanted to rely on their website to generate leads, create awareness about their services to the banking and construction industries, and portray itself as a reliable partner who could negotiate terms of payment between them.

The Challenge: Limited Awareness, Poor Website Design

Construction Fund Control faced two major challenges. The first one was the limited awareness it could create online. The company had little to no online presence apart from their website. The business was completely reliant on personal meetings with banks and private lenders. This did take time but was effective for business. Unfortunately, there were no direct enquiries from these companies, and it was a one-way business requiring Construction Fund Control to approach these businesses to avail of their services. With digital growth in the past decade, most banks required some form of evaluation, and with a poor website, some companies were reluctant to take Construction Fund Control seriously. The company required a major online presence and an overhaul of their website.

Though there were not many competitors in the industry, the competition was intense due to the service being a niche. This forced Construction Fund Control to reevaluate its online journey and create a strategy to improve its brand identity digitally.

The Solution – Megh Technologies, Business Website Development Service

Construction Fund Control approached Megh Technologies with their requirements and problems. We did a thorough analysis of their requirements and the market. We realized that the target audience was a very small group of people who made high-value decisions. Most of the audience accessed the internet on mobile for research but did most of their work-related research on desktops later. It was important to get the Construction Fund Control website easily accessible on both mobile and desktop. We also concluded that there were limited chances of promoting the website on social media platforms. Leads were usually generated through search platforms, and this had to be considered.

Our approach was to create a search engine optimized website with a fully secure solution for clients to see and manage their funds. The focus was to create a unique solution that was easily accessible to clients when they enrolled in the program. Megh Technologies created a draft with a wireframe for the website and presented it for approval. Construction Fund Control liked the idea and asked us to proceed with the wireframe with a few changes. Once the wireframe was approved, Megh Technologies started with the UI/UX design and development, and a prototype was created. The entire process from wireframe to prototype took 13 days in total. The prototype was a working model with the admin dashboard. The prototype was mobile-friendly, responsive, and could be accessed on mobile phones and tablets, apart from a desktop. The client approved the prototype, and with a few changes, the website was deployed on a Megh Technologies cloud server three days later.

What Was Delivered in Stages:

  • Research and Analysis: A complete report on what we found in the industry, the target audience, and a list of recommendations based on client requirements and target audience.
  • Wireframe: A detailed wireframe structure of the website and each web page with the images, content, navigation menus, etc.
  • Prototype: A working prototype of the website with a client dashboard to access the funds and detailed reports on their expenditure and balance.
  • Deployment: The website was deployed on a cloud server.

The Results and Outcomes

Though the website was launched on time, it took a month before Google crawled the website and indexed it. This delay did cause a bit of frustration for the client and us too. But since we were aware of the situation and had already explained to the client the procedure of how Google works, Construction Fund Control and its management were patient. The website saw a small increase in traffic from the first week of the second month, which increased to over 100% by the end of the second month. By the third month, the website saw a total of 150% increase from the previous traffic and an increase in enquiries from zero to nine in a month. This was encouraging for the client and satisfactory results for us at Megh Technologies.


As a small niche company in the finance industry, competition is usually tough. With high-value clients, the approach to designing a business website is different. Focus needs to be on the expectations of the client and delivering more than what they expect. Addressing the target audience in a niche industry often leads to good results. With Megh Technologies, you can expect an innovative approach that is out of the box. We are thankful to Construction Fund Control for considering our approach with an open mind. If you would like to be successful online, we recommend you contact Megh Technologies today for all your business website development needs. Contact us now!