Hetal Shah Photography Website Design Case Study

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Photography in itself is very interesting. But what makes Hetal Shah Photography better is the subjects in the photographs. Hetal Shah specializes in kids, infants, and maternity photoshoots. The photographs themselves are breathtaking. A freelance professional photographer, Hetal Shah is located in Vadodara. Her photographs capture the best moments of a mother’s life, the stage of maternity, and what follows. From baby showers to infant photography and even portfolios for kids, the range of photography by Hetal Shah is simply breathtaking.

The Need for a Website

Hetal Shah was doing very well even without a website. She did not need one but wanted one out of interest alone. She desired a place where she could showcase her work. Social media platforms were indeed great, but what they lacked was the customizability to arrange and showcase her work to her needs. There were limitations when it came to design on a social media website, which was not justified when portraying her excellent quality work. A website was required to portray her beautiful work. The website was a perfect option for her needs.

Hetal Shah needed a website that looked very clean and presentable while showcasing her work. The focus should be on her photographs, but the design should complement her work. She already had a great logo she had designed and wanted the website to complement the logo in terms of colors and style. Since the website was showcasing pictures of expecting mothers and mostly infants and children, the colors of her logo were very soothing and complemented the theme.

The Solution – Megh Technologies Custom Website Design

Megh Technologies’ first job was to see how we could help Hetal Shah present her photographs well online. We also wanted to find opportunities on how we could promote Hetal Shah as a brand and a business. A photographer as good as Hetal Shah deserved a great website, and we believed that a lot of customers would love to have their infants clicked by her. Her work was impeccable. All that was needed was a very presentable website that could market her work and present her as a brand herself.

Megh Technologies proposed a custom website, entirely tailored to her needs. We believed Hetal Shah had a better idea about her audience. We also did a short research on the target audience, mostly expecting mothers and new parents. The target audience considered past work as the key factor in hiring a photographer for their children. Hetal Shah’s portfolio was excellent and had the required testimonials to put her work forward. User experience was also an important factor. With large photographs, most other competitors’ websites load relatively slowly. With a faster website, we believed that Hetal Shah would stand a step ahead of the competition.

The Process

Megh Technologies started by creating a structure for the website. The focus was entirely on the wireframe of the website, which was to present the photographs of the children. Each and every image was optimized for the best clarity and size to load within seconds. Images were converted to WebP for faster loading and to add a small layer of security so that the images could not be easily saved and reused.

The website uses HTML5 with CSS3. Subtle animation on the website made for an excellent user experience. The image categories on the home page with the animation were one of the highlights of the website. JavaScript was added for animation.

The website was optimized for speed, with a sitemap.xml file and robots.txt file. The website was technically optimized for search engines, easily crawlable, and navigable. The navigation of the website was simple, without JavaScript.

The website was also made responsive and mobile-friendly. The average time to load each page was less than 3 seconds, with images on lazy load.

The Results – A Simple Website That Created an Impact

The website had simple colors, a shade of blue that matched the logo. The website used Poppins as the main font, which is clean and crisp, easy to read. The website was crawled by Google and indexed in one week’s time, with a ranking for the website name almost instantly.

Technology Used: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap framework
Features: Responsive custom website design, visual storytelling in web design, social media integration, SEO-friendly design, UI/UX design, website load time improvements
Web Hosting: Azure Cloud Web Hosting by Megh Technologies
Frontend Development: Bootstrap
Backend Development: None
Content Management System: None