Industrial Shrink Wrap Services Website – Case Study

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Shrink Wrap Services is a niche business. Creating a business website is a requirement for a niche business with a targeted audience. Its uniqueness is good in many ways but is also a problem in many ways. Shrink wrapping for industrial needs has a very small audience. It is rarely advertised. Most shrink wrap businesses have a good relationship with construction industries, transporters, and building renovators for their business growth. Online presence is limited and people searching for these products are rare too. But with the rapid growth of the internet and businesses online, it has become important for small niche companies to go online, more than ever.

Swat New Zealand is located in Dunedin and has a national presence in New Zealand. Swat caters to construction, marine, and transportation industries in Dunedin. Their lack of online presence restricted them from scaling considerably. With a good establishment and manpower, Swat was considering expansion nationally. The objective of the website was to create awareness among industries about the presence and services provided by Swat in New Zealand.

Swat had a website which was created in 2004 and the website was using technologies like Flash which were outdated. They wanted a new website which would be easy to access, fast, and accessible over mobile phones. With more and more people browsing the internet on a mobile phone, it was only sensible to make the website responsive and accessible to more people. The current website was beyond repair and could not be altered to fit the current requirements. This left little option but to redesign the entire website with new technologies, making it responsive and importantly search optimized.

The Solution: Megh Technologies, Custom Business Website Design

Megh Technologies was approached with the requirement and the problem in hand. Swat was very clear on what they wanted and what was lacking in their current website. We thought it right to recreate the website from scratch. Apart from the technology, we realized that the design was outdated too. The current website design trends had changed over time with more use of flexbox and grids rather than divs and tables. We did thorough research on the market and the audience. Our competitive analysis showed that there were a few large players in the industrial shrink wrap market and we needed to outperform those websites if Swat was to be portrayed among them. This indicated that we had to create a brand identity for the organization.

Our solutions were documented and a proposal was put forward with the following:

Complete Website Redesign

We proposed that the website be redesigned from scratch to the latest website design standards and trends. This included branding of the website, creating a new logo, agreeing upon colors and fonts. Other factors like content, consistency, images, etc. would follow through too.

Search Optimized Content and Website

We recommended that the content be altered according to search engine requirements and new content added to certain areas. These were minor additions which the company was already planning to do.

Create a Responsive Website

The website was created with a mobile-first approach. We wanted the mobile-friendly website to be the priority with desktop options as an alternative. According to our research, over 60% of all the audience on the website came from a mobile phone. The website was to be light, easy to load with optimized images.

Interactive and Dynamic

For added user experience, we suggested that they add subtle animations to the website to keep the users engaged and interested. Micro animations on scrolls and menu hovers were added for both mobile and desktop versions.

A Good Call to Action Which Redirected to the Contact Us Page

Enquiries were limited on the website with one contact button on the top. This restricted many users from entering information for enquiries. Swat required more leads and it was important to Swat that they had a good amount of enquiries. We suggested that there be a sticky button on the side for enquiry on all pages.

The Process & Implementation

Megh Technologies, based on the existing website’s content and the content which was proposed to be added, created a wireframe model of the business website. We created a website structure of all the pages and a wireframe structure of each page, the content it would include, the images that were required and included, and the technology we intended to use. The wireframe was discussed in detail with the client to help understand what was to be expected as the final outcome.

Megh Technologies suggested a simple technology which would last. Our first choice was WordPress, as it was scalable, easy for the client to manage, and also one of the trusted platforms in the industry. Apart from our expertise in WordPress website design and Development, it was also one of the fastest solutions which we could use which aligned to the requirements of Swat.

WordPress also enabled Swat to use its inbuilt content management system to add new pages or remove outdated content without our help, which Swat considered helpful.

Megh Technologies’ team started with the creation of a WordPress theme with the requirements and wireframe in place. The theme was custom created without the use of any frameworks. The CSS was created with a mobile-friendly approach. The UI/UX Design team was dedicated to optimizing images for the website. With the CSS team focused on the design, a section of the CSS team was dedicated to creating custom animations for the website which had to be subtle, low on resource usage, and easy on the eye. The entire process of developing the website was complete in 5 working days. The website design prototype was presented to the client for approval before deployment.

The Results and Outcome of the New Website

The user feedback for the website was positive with the staff and the company themselves pleased with the results. The difference though was in the traffic and user retention of the website. We saw that many of the visitors spent more time on the website than they did previously. The bounce rate of the website improved by 50% and the increase in traffic was over 100%. With doubled traffic in the first month, more exposure, and a mobile-friendly website, Swat was now ready to market their services and products nationally in New Zealand.

What We Learned from Swat New Zealand and How It Could Help You

We realized a niche service or product required a website as much as a company with products and services that were generally used and required extensive marketing. A niche market had its own advantages with limited competition and higher retention of its clients but in the competitive world, a digital presence and brand created more trust among users. We also learned that a niche business website drives a lot less traffic compared to a regular website but converts much higher too. Most visitors who visit a niche website look for solutions to a very specific problem. Being found as an establishment that provides solutions to these problems is the crucial element in the entire scheme of things. A business website is just a beginning for niche businesses like Swat.


If you like the website for and would like a website for your organization to reflect your expertise in the niche industry, contact Megh Technologies today. At Megh, we always deliver more than what you could expect. Our services and our work are our testimony. With over 800 websites created in various niches and industries, we have the intricate knowledge on how to take your business online and drive it to success.