Architecture & Interior Design Website Design & Development , KNA Associates – Case Study

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The architectural industry is often considered a competitive field where only people with a good background and experience survive. For a business startup in the field of architecture and interior design, the challenges are many, starting from showcasing your work and expertise in the industry to your clients. KNA Associates were in a similar position with their existing website. The website was outdated, did not showcase the products and services as efficiently as possible, and was not responsive. The website required a complete redesign to portray KNA Associates as an industry leader with experience in architecture and interior design.

The KNA website had problems that could not be rectified without a complete redesign:

  1. The audience did not find the website relatable to the industry and the services they were looking for.
  2. The user experience was poor, with many visitors spending less than a few seconds on the website. With images taking more time to load and the website itself not featuring the content efficiently, the audience often left the website before they could see the entire portfolio of work done by KNA Associates.
  3. The design was five years old and the technology used was outdated.

Considering these factors, KNA Associates hired Megh Technologies to rectify their problem. After the initial interviews, Megh Technologies proposed creating a new website with a modern design that would reflect the company in a good light. The focus was to showcase KNA Associates’ past work, which was a testament to their experience and expertise in the industry.

The Solution: A Custom Web Design and Development Solution

At Megh Technologies, we understand that every business is different. That is why we take the time to talk to our customers and understand their business as much as possible. We take the time to understand you, your business, your employees, suppliers, and customers in detail. Your target audience and business goals are of utmost importance to us, as are your competitors. We leave no stone unturned when it comes to understanding your business in its totality. This helps us create a website strategy to develop a custom web solution. With KNA Associates, we took the same approach to understand their business and took the time to know the organization.

Here’s what we did:

  • Conducted a detailed analysis of the company’s business goals and target audience. We wanted to ensure we understood the expectations and the intention of the new website. We also analyzed the target audience, their behavior, and what exactly they were looking for.
  • Created a custom-designed website that showcased the company’s work and reflected its quality and brand identity. The website was responsive, elegant, modern, fast-loading, and aesthetically pleasing while delivering the most important message to the audience: KNA’s quality work.
  • Developed a mobile-friendly interface for a responsive website. We integrated the same design to work seamlessly on all devices. With more and more people accessing websites through mobile phones, it was important that KNA took advantage of a mobile-friendly website to increase its audience.
  • Search Engine Optimization: More than 60% of all internet users start their journey from a search engine. Creating a search engine-friendly website was not an option but a requirement for us and KNA Associates. The website was optimized to load fast, with title tags and descriptions aligned with keyword research and brand name.

The Results: A Website That Delivers

With the new website designed for KNA Associates, there have been significant improvements in the overall performance of the website, especially with user retention. Many users have had an excellent user experience with the website, and more website visitors have been seen to return to the website time and again. Overall, there has been an improvement in bounce rates, which have reduced by 50%, and we hope to improve more by making changes to the website after analyzing it from time to time.

  • Increased Website Traffic by 100%: The website traffic has increased by over 100%. The traffic doubling is due to better search performance and updated technology. All the pages on KNA Associates’ website are now crawled by Google, and there has been an increase, especially on the portfolio pages.
  • Improved User Engagement Metrics: With the new, interactive design, more users find the website easy to navigate. Apart from the navigation itself, the images are fast-loading, encouraging visitors to view more of the portfolio. The results were a lower bounce rate in Google metrics and improved ranking.
  • Better Brand Visibility: KNA Associates’ website is on par with, and often better than, most competitors’ websites in terms of design, loading time, and user experience. The branding of the website itself has been improved significantly. The new website represents the brand in a different way, making a strong impression on the website’s audience.
  • Better Search Visibility: While the old website did not rank for prominent keywords and the client portfolio had little to no visibility, the current new website design showcases the clients prominently, leading them to recommend KNA in return for showcasing their names on the website. This, in turn, has increased overall visibility and search rankings.

Why KNA Associates Chose Megh Technologies

Megh Technologies’ expertise in the web design and development industry was visible locally in Baroda, Gujarat. With a client list of Fortune 500 companies, it was enticing for KNA Associates to approach Megh Technologies for their website design and development needs. Apart from our portfolio, the quality of our work was evident from our websites. The testimonials from our clients were proof that we met client expectations and often over-delivered.

What You Can Learn from KNA Associates’ Success Story

We need to look at the past to understand the significant changes that brought positive results to KNA Associates’ digital presence. KNA Associates’ past website was a simple site that provided a digital presence without impact. With Megh Technologies, we created a website with a rich user interface and user experience. With the new website, KNA Associates saw significant differences in:

  • Improved Online Presence: Though KNA Associates had a website and an online presence, it did not make a clear impact among its prospects and audience. Many visitors did not consider KNA Associates a market leader because the website did not portray the organization efficiently. With the new website, this changed immediately. With a professional, fast-loading website, many users had a clear impression of KNA Associates’ work.
  • Better Brand Visibility: The brand visibility of the company changed overall with the new website design. A clear portfolio of the best clients and work done by KNA Associates put the company among the top 10 designers locally in Vadodara and among the top 25 in the state. The brand visibility of the company had an overall impact on its business as well.
  • Drive Business Growth: With better exposure and more brand visibility, KNA Associates started to see a direct impact on its business. The inquiries doubled over the first two months, and the business growth has been on an increasing trend ever since.

Get Started with Megh Technologies Today

Transform your business and its online presence with Megh Technologies now. See what your business is capable of online. Whether it is creating a website for your business, a complete e-commerce store, or a full-fledged web application, Megh Technologies can help you deliver results that surpass your expectations. Don’t allow a website that is not working to hold you back. Transform your website and your online presence with Megh Technologies. Call us now for a consultation.


KNA Associates’ website is evidence of how we transform businesses online and how an outdated website can pull your entire business down. A poor website with outdated technology reflects on your overall business and brand identity. It is important to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to technology and website trends to keep your brand visible online and as a market leader in the industry. With Megh Technologies as a business partner, KNA Associates stands as a market leader in the interior design and architectural industry in Baroda and the state itself, soon to be recognized nationally!