Marhaba Payments: A Case Study in Business Website Design

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Business Details

  • Business Name: Marhaba Payments
  • Business Location: Grosvenor House, 3 Chapel Street, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 4AB, UK
  • Services/Products: Payment solutions for Retail and Online Businesses
  • Website Type: Business Website Design

Project Specifications

  • Design: Custom website design tailored to industry-specific needs
  • Technology Used: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
  • Tools Used: Bootstrap Framework, Figma for prototype and wireframes
  • SEO: Technical SEO only (Image optimization, Sitemap, Robots.txt, Page speed optimization)
  • Web Hosting: Megh Technologies Corporate Cloud Hosting

Background of Marhaba Payments : Marhaba Payments was established in 2019 to provide payment solutions for businesses. The company provided a range of payment solutions including mobile payments, credit card and debit card machines, online payment solutions, and telephone card payment solutions. The company provides solutions mostly for businesses and retailers who require a solution to accept card payments and multiple modes of payments apart from online payment solutions. The company provided their own card machines to accept credit and debit card payments from customers, which could be linked to their banks.

The Requirement – Why Marhaba Payments needed a website Most payment providers who provided similar services were banks who had a direct link to the retailers and companies they deal with. Most customers have a bank account with the bank who provide the services for nominal charges. Marhaba was a relatively new company. Customers were not aware of the payment benefits of Marhaba Payments and the services they provided. Print media and other advertisements are generally more expensive and the message is short-lived. Online was the way to go, especially when people were searching for products and related services online.

The Solution – Megh Technologies Business website Megh Technologies was asked to create a website which could be used to market the products and services of Marhaba Payments. The website was to provide details on the products and services and a contact point for businesses to reach Marhaba Payments for additional information. The website was to be a touch base for businesses and a starting point for communicating with Marhaba Payments. It was to be simple, attractive, animated, and educational. The website should be informational, interactive with user-specific content which could be easily consumed. The content should be to the point and easy to read. Detailed descriptions were to be avoided. All queries were to be directed to the email of the sales team through the contact us page.

Megh Technologies created a site structure with 6 total pages for the website. The website used JavaScript extensively to animate content and images on the home page. The entire home page was dynamic with multiple carousels, parallax effects, and a hero section. The content changed dynamically, providing short details on each of the services and products. The entire prototype was created in Figma.

Key features:

Custom images: All the images were custom-created. The images were a combination of icons and vector images which were easy to load, colorful, and aligned with the logo and brand colors.

Typography: The website used simple typography and fonts which were easy to read.

Logo Design: Simple logo design with multiple options of colors and designs were provided for the client to choose from. The client chose a logo with the cloud as it aligned with their intention of moving towards an online payment system soon.

The results : Marhaba Payments website was well-received by the client. The website was appreciated for its clean interface, mobile-friendly responsive design, and the UI/UX design, especially the custom-designed images. The website was colorful but not gaudy, clearly portrayed the content and the company’s products and services. With the technical SEO in place, the website was ranked for its brand name post-launch in 1 week. Megh Technologies also ensured that the company was listed in Google My Business and several directories on launch of the website.