Wires and Cable Manufacturer Business Website Case Study – Shakun Polymers

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Shakun Polymers is a leading manufacturer of wires and cables in the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa. They have a wide spectrum of products, which include power cables, building wires, telecom and fiber optic cables, instrumentation, and photovoltaic cables. Their unique USP is their ability to customize their products depending on customer needs and requirements. They required a website that would showcase their products, services, and clientele. The target audience was large industries, government organizations, and mobile operators.

The Problem: Shakun Polymers with an outdated website Shakun Polymers’ website was created in 1999 and had seen little to no changes in terms of technology or content. The old website was not optimized for search, the design was outdated and did not reflect the company in terms of brand or professionalism. This resulted in portraying the company in a bad light, with the audience not taking Shakun Polymers as a leading company in the industry. The website was not responsive and had problems with smaller devices.

The Solution: Megh Technologies Website Design Services Our team at Megh Technologies analyzed the situation, understood the needs of Shakun Polymers, and proposed to create a completely different website that was professional and showcased the brand. We conducted a thorough analysis of Shakun Polymers’ business goals and target audience and designed a modern website with subtle animations that was responsive and search-friendly.

Key Features of Shakun Polymers’ New Website

  1. Responsive Website Design: With over 70% of the world accessing websites on a mobile phone, it was imperative that a responsive design was a requirement. Shakun’s new website is mobile-friendly and can be accessed on all devices now.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: The interface was changed, and a modern, fresh interface was created with a focus on brand colors. The user experience was improved with subtle animations, a hero animated video, and an easily navigable menu.
  3. Search Engine Friendly: The navigation menu was now easy to crawl for search engines and all pages were accessible within 3 clicks from the home page, making all the pages accessible for crawling by search engines. The speed of the website was also improved to load pages within 3 seconds.

The Results of a New Website and Impact on Business for Shakun Polymers Since launching the website, several visitors complimented the website for its easy-to-use interface. The website traffic increased by 50% over the course of 1 month and user retention was much higher. With no leads from the previous website to over 3 leads a month from the new website, the improvement was clearly visible for the business owner. Users were seen spending more time on the website to access information on products and services in more detail and repeat visitors were not uncommon.

Why Shakun Polymers Chose Megh Technologies Shakun Polymers shortlisted Megh Technologies after 3 different interviews and appointments. Our focus was on how to put Shakun Polymers ahead of the competition on the digital platform. We proposed a complete overhaul of the website, including content and images for a new look. The company agreed on the proposal and was satisfied with the proposal itself. But what impressed them most was the work we had done for our past clients. Shakun praised our simplistic design, with easy-to-access products and services showcased on a few websites we had done in the past. The websites reflected professionalism and quality, which was an important factor in considering Megh Technologies.

What You Can Learn from Shakun Polymers’ Success Story Shakun Polymers’ success story is a testament to the power of a well-designed Business website with a great interface and user experience. A website which may look simple on the surface could change the perception of your audience towards your organization. With improved UI/UX, Shakun Polymers’ online presence was appreciated by its audience and it reflected in the way the audience interacted with the website. The leads from the website improved, creating more business for Shakun over the years.

  1. Improved Online Presence: Today, Shakun is recognized as a leader in cable manufacturing with its professional online presence.
  2. Business Growth: With increased traffic and user retention, Shakun has been able to drive better business and revenue.
  3. Enhanced Brand Visibility: With prominent branding, Shakun has established itself as a trusted player in the cable market, often surpassing competitors in the field.

Get Started with Megh Technologies Today

Transform your online presence today with Megh Technologies. Contact Megh Technologies today to learn more about our website design and development services, as well as a range of other solutions. We are a company with 20 years of experience in digital transformation, workflow automation, staff augmentation, mobile application development, and more. We also provide AI integration with ChatGPT and IoT solutions for industries (IIoT). With clients ranging from Xylem, L&T, and TBEA, Megh Technologies works with Fortune 50 companies. Take advantage of Megh Technologies’ services now and elevate your business to the next level.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for Megh Technologies to create a website? A custom website draft takes 1 week to 10 days from the date of approval. A draft website, usually a prototype, is a working model of the website which may require refinement. The timeframe for a completed website varies based on the total content required, content available readily, and any special requirements you may have.

Are all websites designed by Megh Technologies custom designed? Yes, Megh Technologies will not use generic templates and will create a custom design that aligns with your business. We understand that your brand identity is special and a generic website will not be suitable for a business website. Our custom websites are designed to portray your brand as an industry leader, and a generic website will usually not align with your business goals.

Are websites optimized for search engines? All websites designed by Megh Technologies are search engine compliant. We follow standards set by the SEO community to ensure your websites are easily accessible by search engines and can be crawled effortlessly. We also ensure that your websites will load fast, making them easier to crawl.


Shakun Polymers’ website is evidence of what can be achieved with a well-designed website with a good user interface and a well-tailored user experience design. With Megh Technologies as a design partner, Shakun Polymers saw an increase in leads and inquiries within months of deploying the new website. The new website increased the visibility and credibility of the company while positioning Shakun Polymers as a leading brand in the industry.