Shreeji Engineers – Centrifuge Screen Manufacturer Website Case study

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Shreeji Engineers

Shreeji Engineers is an ISO 9001:2000 company that manufactures high-precision screens and sieves for various industries, including pharmaceuticals and food industries. The company provides its products and services in Russia, the USA, Canada, Australia, and Dubai, apart from India. A niche industry that requires high precision work and quality products, Shreeji Engineers is known for the quality of its products and workmanship.

Objective & Requirements

Shreeji Engineers required a website that would meet their company’s standards to showcase their products and services, apart from its quality workmanship. With a presence in 5 countries, the company was still growing and required a digital presence to showcase its expertise. The team had the following requirements:

  1. Responsive Website:
    Shreeji Engineers required a website that was mobile-friendly, fast-loading, and responsive. The website needed to be fast and easy to load on mobile devices, even on a slow network.
  2. Clean Business Website Design:
    The website was to be designed with the brand identity in mind and showcase the products and services as an industry leader. The logo and the colors used on the website should match the brand identity of Shreeji Engineers.
  3. Custom Business Website Design:
    Shreeji Engineers required that the website be custom-created and not templated. The website should be clean and not a templated design that was already available online. Moreover, the website design should reflect the business.
  4. High-End Graphics of Products and Product Display Options:
    The website should display the products in an easy-to-view manner with full details and technical specifications of each product.

The Design – Wireframe & Prototype

Megh Technologies considered creating a custom business website design tailored for engineering industries focused on displaying images and data clearly. We started with the website structure and followed it up with a full wireframe of all pages.

Images were edited to make them look beautiful, creative, and suitable for the website. Each image was also optimized for fast loading. The fonts were chosen according to the branding, and the wireframe was presented for approval.

Once the wireframe was approved, the website was coded in HTML5 and CSS3 with the Bootstrap framework. There was little requirement for JavaScript, but the use of Bootstrap enabled easy conversion of the website from large devices to smaller devices, creating a responsive website.

The Results

The results of the Shreeji Engineers website were pleasing and pleasant. The website was simple, fast-loading, easy on the eye, and presentable. The content was easily readable. The minimal animations on the website and the Lightbox animations on the gallery were slightly on the heavier side when it came to loading the pages. All other pages were fast-loading, responsive, and mobile-friendly. The client appreciated the design and performance of the website.

Product: High Precision Screens and Sieves – segments for milled type and wedge wire welded screens for pusher centrifuges and filtration equipment.
Industries Served: Pharmaceutical, Bulk, Fine Chemicals, Salt, Fertilizers, Textiles, Paper, Sugar Industries, Mining and Mineral, Food Industries.
Business Name: Shreeji Engineers
Location: 171, Por Industrial Park, B/H Sahyog Hotel, Por National Highway-8, Gujarat, INDIA.
Solutions Provided : Custom Website Design, Business Website Design, UI / UX Design and Development, Logo Design & Development, Icons and Graphic Design

Other Locations:

  • Canada:
    Diamant Inc.
    6355 Kennedy Road, Unit 9, Mississauga, ON, Canada L5T 2L5
  • Dubai, USA, Australia, Russia