Placement Company Website Design & Development – Transforming Aspiration Placements’ Case Study

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Aspiration Placements is a leader in recruitment and placement services in the pharma industry. Covering a range of segments including URO, Nephrology, Oncology, Orthopedics, Gynecology, Gastrointestinal, Diabetic Cardio, and others in the pharma industry, Aspiration Placements has established itself as a market leader in the niche. Established in 2014, Aspiration Placements had a web presence that was static and did not allow for easy updates without the help of a web design company or a professional dedicated to the task. Aspiration Placements was looking for a complete overhaul of the website with the provision to add, modify, or delete vacancies on their website without external help. The interface had to be easy to use and manageable by anyone in-house. The website also required a good searchable interface for the audience to search through vacancies.

The Problem with Aspiration Placements’ Old Website

Aspiration Placements’ old website was outdated in terms of technology and design. While the website may have worked when it was designed, technology has changed over the past few years, and the website was not updated to keep up with the times. This resulted in lower traffic and a poor user experience. Additionally, the lack of functionality and ease of use from the website owner’s side was a concern. Aspiration Placements was provided website access through FTP and cPanel, which was not sufficient for them to update the website themselves. There was no admin area or content management system to allow the addition of new content or the updating of old ones. The website was also not responsive and mobile-friendly, which left a significant opportunity to engage with the audience.

The Solution: Megh Technologies’ Web Design Services

After understanding the requirements of Aspiration Placements, Megh Technologies conducted a detailed analysis of the current situation and a competitor analysis. We also conducted thorough research on the audience of existing visitors and the competition. We understood the requirements of the audience and decided on creating a custom-designed business website tailored for Aspiration Placements. The website focused on brand identity and conversion, apart from user experience improvement.

Key Features of Aspiration Placements’ New Website

  • Responsive Web Design: The new website was responsive and mobile-friendly. Apart from the admin area which constituted the content management system, all other parts intended for the audience were mobile-friendly, fast-loading, and compatible with devices of all sizes.
  • Better UI and UX: Our primary goal was to improve the user interface to make it user-friendly. With minimal animation but maximum information to be portrayed to the user and an easy search interface, more users who intended to find jobs could access vacancies on the website and submit their resumes and letters easily. The overall user experience was also improved to ensure it aligned with the brand identity.
  • Custom Content Management System (CMS): We implemented a custom CMS for the website to allow the company to manage existing vacancies and remove old ones. The CMS also provided an interface to see resumes sent and download them from the server. This ensured that the data was always preserved for use whenever the company required.
  • SEO-Friendly Structure: The overall website was now search-friendly with SEO-compatible page URLs, custom title and description, meta tag integration, and an XML sitemap. All pages were accessible within three clicks from the home page, making the website easily accessible for search engines.

The Results: Aspiration Placements’ New Website

Since the launch of the new website, Aspiration Placements has found it easier to enter details into the website. Adding new vacancies and removing them when required does not need a web designer’s assistance. The overall website traffic has increased by over 50%, and the user experience has improved with 33% more resume submissions on the website. The search engine-friendly structure allows search engines to crawl the new placements and list them on Google faster, resulting in improved resume submissions. Aspiration Placements’ clients too have seen increased interest in the website with more job vacancies posted on the website lately.

Website of Aspriation Placements - Designed by Megh TEchnologies

Why Aspiration Placements Chose Megh Technologies

Megh Technologies was one of the first preferences for Aspiration Placements as it was a local company with expertise in web design and development. The ease of access to the company was the main reason, but what complemented the decision was our extensive portfolio and ability to create a website design within a budget they were comfortable with. Aspiration Placements was also impressed with the brand identity we provided for our clients in the form of a website and the exposure it created for them.

What You Can Learn from Aspiration Placements’ Success Story

Aspiration Placements’ website design and development show the importance of a content management system in today’s web design world. Many customers are looking to manage content easily without involving a third party. This reduces the cost of hiring a dedicated person for a task that requires only 2-3 hours a month. The website’s user interface and user experience also play a major role in the success of a website. With over a 50% increase in user experience, the company sees a significant flow of inquiries and resume submissions to the website.

Overall, Aspiration Placements Saw the Following Benefits

  • Reduced Cost and Improved Efficiency: Today the company does not require the assistance of a third party to update the website with vacancies. The in-house team handles resume posting, reducing the cost for the company and more importantly, being able to not rely on a company or person to manage trivial tasks on the website.
  • Drive Traffic to the Website: Today the website is on autopilot when it comes to traffic growth. With each resume posted on the website, the website is automatically bringing in traffic with better search content.
  • Improved Brand Visibility and Credibility: From partners to job aspirants, the website is seen as a trusted source and a go-to platform for pharma jobs. The website’s increased brand identity and visibility boost the confidence of partners and provide more opportunities for Aspiration Placements.

Get Started with Megh Technologies Today

Take your time to analyze your website. If you are still relying on a company to manage your website, it’s time to utilize the power of content management systems and a dynamic website. With Megh Technologies, we can help you transform your website today and help you be self-reliant when it comes to online solutions. Don’t let your outdated website hold you and your business back. Take advantage of the latest technologies and harness the power of a dynamic website with Megh Technologies.


Aspiration Placements’ success story is proof of how a company can reduce costs over a longer period with a custom-designed, dynamic website with a content management system. Today, Aspiration Placements is seen as a market leader in pharma placements with clients that range from Wockhardt, Mercury, Pulse Pharmaceuticals, IPCA, and more. For more information on how we at Megh Technologies can help you with your web design and development journey, contact us today or leave a message.