Architectural & Interior Designer Web Design Case Study – Manoj Patel Design Studio

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Industry: Architectural and Interior Design
Project Type: Custom Website Design

About Manoj Patel Design Studio
Established in 2015, Manoj Patel Design Studio is an award-winning architectural and interior design company with over 150 projects. The studio holds multiple awards and is featured in various publications and articles, including Architectural Digest, ArchDaily, Elle Decor, and Designboom, for its architectural and interior design prowess. Shortlisted among the top 100 architects by Good Home and awarded the Houzz Design Award for three consecutive years, Manoj Patel Design Studio is also the winner of the Lexus Design Award in the Design Thinking category.

Core Business and Services: Interior Design, Architectural Design
Target Audience: Builders, architects, commercial property owners, schools, hospitals, and residential owners who want to renovate or build a new home, aged between 30 and 70.

Project Objectives
The website’s primary goal was to showcase the company’s accomplishments and display its work online. The focus was on presenting the designs with high-quality photographs. The website had to load quickly and be optimized for search, especially for the images.

Services Provided

  • UI/UX Design
  • Custom Website Design with HTML, JavaScript, and Bootstrap
  • Technical SEO
  • Instagram Integration for Images
  • SSL Integration
  • Web Hosting

Discovery Phase
Mr. Manoj Patel was clear about what he wanted. The specifications were clearly stated: a clean, custom-designed, appealing business website, not templated. A personalized design with an intro slide to showcase the completed projects, followed by internal pages. The website had six pages in total and did not require an admin panel. Considering his limited time, Mr. Patel wanted Megh Technologies to handle all future updates to the website.

Initial research was conducted following the meeting to understand the available information, photographs, and creatives. A competition analysis was performed for local businesses in the same sector.

Strategy Development
The strategy was to create a website that was easy to navigate, visually appealing, and integrated with Instagram. Minimal SEO was required as most of the marketing was done on Instagram. The focus was on user experience from the beginning, with importance given to how users interact with the website. Certain points were agreed upon, including consistent design, elegant typography, responsiveness, and interactive aesthetics.

Design Process
The design process began with a wireframe created in Figma. The prototype was completed on schedule, and a meeting was set as agreed. Few changes regarding font sizes and image placements were discussed and addressed immediately.

Upon approval from Mr. Manoj Patel, the development phase began with the agreed-upon technology. Our development team started with the intro and proceeded with all subpages. The website was coded entirely in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.

Key Features

  • Dedicated intro page displaying the projects
  • Instagram-like image galleries
  • Fast-loading images optimized for speed
  • Subtle animations to keep users interested and engaged

Challenges and Solutions
No major obstacles were faced during the design or development phases of the project.

Launch and Post-Launch
The project was launched on January 1, 2017, as requested by the client. The website required no training, and all updates have been handled by Megh Technologies since then.

Results and Impact
The digital presence has been perceived as professional and has helped acquire several projects over the past years.

Lessons Learned
Image-based websites present challenges in many ways, but when they come together and satisfy the client, there is a sense of accomplishment. Unlike informational websites with lots of content, user retention is higher on image-based websites, with most users spending more time viewing various images. This concept alone could influence how we design websites in the future.


Do you like the design we created? Contact Megh Technologies now for your website and web development needs. Redesign your website for a better user experience and increased sales.

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